Oratio Mix timeline
Oratio Mix is a project that will last 2 years and will take place in collaboration with 4 countries of the European Union (Germany, France, Italy, Portugal).
The 12 artistic and school partners are meeting online to start this project. It will last 2 years and will take place in 4 countries: Germany, France, Italy and Portugal.
The Transplanisphere designs educational sequences of 5 workshops. Enriched by the partners, they can be adapted to any school level.
The first tests of the Oratio Mix workshops are carried out by teachers and artists in the classes of each country involved in the project.
Following the first tests, the method is adapted to guarantee its feasibility and quality. It is then validated by all the partners.
The teachers involved in the project receive training in Paris, so that they can implement the method independently in their classes.
The teachers conduct the workshops independently in their respective classes. This is based on the training and/or tools provided.
A group of students from the Sorbonne Nouvelle is conducting an evaluation of the impact of the method on students, teachers and class dynamics.
Conducted by students from Sorbonne Nouvelle, this survey questions the state of intercultural education in Europe and the role of eloquence.
Partner meeting in Berlin to summarise initial feedback and evaluation results. Tutorial videos are created.
Interclass exchanges between France-Germany and Italy-Portugal, who meet for a week to test methods during intercultural meetings.
This collaborative platform for teachers brings together the results of the test phases, feedback and testimonials.
Training courses for educational teams are organised in the four countries so that they can implement the method.
Provision of training courses, so that anyone can implement the Oratio Mix method.
Local events in the partner countries and in Brussels are organised to promote the project and the methods, as well as a campaign on social networks.