An innovative methodology to stimulate intercultural dialogue in the classroom
The methodology consists of 5 workshops and aims to improve the pupils' ability to express themselves in order to question intercultural issues. The co-creation of this methodology by all the partners allows for the exchange of good practices and the sharing of views and ideas on the best way to stimulate dialogue among pupils.
This methodology proposes storytelling-type writing and theatre workshops adapted to the different age groups of the pupils. The idea is to start from plurality (different cultures) and singularity (the individual) to discover what brings us together and thus work together to develop a common narrative. For example, nursery and primary school pupils would start from tales (from all over the world, different versions, recurring images) to create their own with the values they wish to convey. For secondary schools, we will focus on the autobiographical story: how to tell oneself and how to listen to the story of the other. In the end, the students will be able to create a common narrative, based on the sharing of their experiences and feelings.
The writing will be complemented by theatre exercises allowing the pupils to define themselves and thus foster the empathy necessary to understand the other. Kindergarten and primary school pupils will be invited to perform their stories in a performance of their work. Pupils from secondary schools will video-record the testimonies they have written, interpreting the testimony of a fellow pupil and not their own. They will be offered the opportunity to integrate their joint stories into professional creative projects led by the artistic partners (performance, play).