Workshop 4 : La Soupe aux cailloux
Implementation: what do we need?
– A workspace: the room provided must be large enough and arranged in such a way that it can accommodate all participants and allow freedom of movement, the workshop requiring physical commitment.
The participants
Primary students between 7 and 10 years, the group not exceeding 30 students
School teacher, educator, theatre teacher
Objectives of this workshop
work on emotions
work on inclusion
Time required
60-90 minutes
We recommend 60 minutes for 7-8 year olds and 90 minutes for 9-10 year olds.
Workshops use theatrical and body expression techniques
At the end of the session, children will have:
exercised their ability to physically express a state and emotion
became aware of the emotional burden induced by exclusion processes
1. Start session
The clap
In a circle, the children pass a clap to their neighbor. e (one claps in his hands) while making the circle. For the clap to pass, students must look each other in the eye before clapping their hands!
2. Warm up
- You can take the instructions seen last time (walk, stop, youpla, rhythms, numbers, environments) to see the evolution of students from one session to another.
- We walk in space like the different characters in the story of La Soupe aux cailloux in the last read version: how do we walk when we are tired, when we are afraid?
3. Game
Preparation for the exercise:
Divide the class into small groups of three. If you do not have the number of students to divide the group equally, the teacher. e or assistant. e may be brought. e to play.
Explain that in each group, two players form a shelter, while the other player becomes the person living in the shelter. A shelter is formed by two players.euse. s facing each other, arms extended upwards, placing their palms flat against each other to create a roof. The person who lives in the shelter must hide under it.
Explain that you will say three words: “”, “Shelter” or “Storm”.
When you shout “”, people must leave their shelter and run to another, while the shelters remain in place. Practice doing this several times.
When you shout “Shelter”, the shelters must separate and find a new person on which to build a shelter. Repeat the exercise several times, adding the order “Villager. e”.
Finally, when you shout “Storm”, everyone runs in all directions for 5 seconds. After 5 seconds, new groups of 3 must form with 2 shelters and 1 person. During the “storm”, shelters can become villagers and villagers can become shelters.
Continue the game alternating between “”, “shelters” and “storm”.
Conclude the exercise by asking students how they felt and why, whether it was sadness, anger, or fun, based on the different situations they learned about. s will have been confronted. If you observed that a. student often found himself. e aside, and that this student did not express himself. e, approach the situation by questioning everyone’s feelings. The idea is that students become aware of the repercussions of their actions, even if they do not have bad intentions, and they learn to express what they feel without anger.

3. Carousel
The class is divided into 3 groups who will have to create the tables of the narrative stages of the Pebble Soup (Kamishibai version):
Group 1 = initial situation
Group 2 = action
Group 3 = final situation
You can double the groups and thus have 2 groups 1, 2 groups 2 and 2 groups 3.
We first present all the tables to the whole class after each group has created its table. Then, it is a question of chaining the tables on the scenic space in chronological order: initial situation > action > final situation. The paintings are linked as if they were moved by a carousel.
4. End of ritual
The. a leader stands opposite the other members of the group in order to be seen by all. He/she positions his arms horizontally and will clap his hands above his head. The others must imitate him at his/her pace. Then, little by little, he.elle will accelerate until reaching applause.