– paper, felt-tip pens – A4 model of the 6 boxes – A workspace: the room provided must be large enough and arranged in such a way that it can accommodate all participants and allow freedom of movement, the workshop requiring physical commitment.
The participants
Primary students between 7 and 10 years, the group not exceeding 30 students
School teacher, educator, theatre teacher
Objectives of this workshop
use the basics of negotiation and compromise achieve a common creation
Time required
60-90 minutes We recommend 60 minutes for 7-8 year olds and 90 minutes for 9-10 year olds.
This workshop uses the drawing
At the end of the session, children will have:
Developed their ability to illustrate an idea exercised their ability to work in groups
1. Session start
The clap In a circle, the children pass a clap to their neighbor. e (one claps in his hands) while making the circle. For the clap to pass, students must look each other in the eye before clapping their hands!
1. 6 cases
We make the example of the 6 boxes with «Soup with stones» in whole class (Cf model in appendix)
2. Creative game
The 6 boxes: in the form of the exquisite corpse, one group chooses the hero, another the place, another the friends, the opponent… Each group draws its own box. They can mix the drawing and the collage with the image bank (common for students of large section in kindergarten, especially for CP and to save time!) Then they can color and draw other elements they would like. There is only one sheet per group. Students must work together and share the work equally on the sheet! Try to ask students first what they imagine so as not to limit their imagination and then try to find the match in the image bank, or even find new sources.
Each group presents the class with their drawing and explains their choice. Students begin by presenting their drawing and the other students in the class can then ask them questions. The facilitator can also ask the group and the students in the class to clarify the presentation.
After the passage of all the groups, we therefore have all the elements of what will become the history of the class. All these elements can then be displayed in chronological order.
4. End of ritual
Clapping The. a leader stands opposite the other members of the group in order to be seen by all. He/she positions his arms horizontally and will clap his hands above his head. The others must imitate him at his/her pace. Then, little by little, he.elle will accelerate until reaching applause.